The Conscious Leaders Bootcamp:

Energetic Intelligence Masterclass with Melvin Hart & 9D Breathwork (Limited Spots)

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Energetic Intelligence Masterclass with Melvin Hart

& 9D Breathwork (Limited Spots*)

Date: Sunday, 29 September 2024
9AM - 5PM 
2/F Analogue Room, Mandala Club, 31 Bukit Pasoh Rd, Singapore

“Everything is energy…Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will get that reality.” -Einstein

Cultivate mastery over your energetic presence to enhance your conscious leadership potential.

  • Within our body lies a complex neural network of communication that regulates our overall wellness, balance, and health. Most of us are subject to imbalances that exhibit themselves as burnout, tiredness, lack of clarity, lack of motivation, and general chronic pain because the network is clogged, blocked, and bound up. This energetic burnout limits us from reaching our true leadership potential.

    The Energetic Intelligence Masterclass will show you exactly how to reconnect those internal communication pathways and ground those connections in to ensure consistent flow and precision in thought and execution, and feel a renewed centeredness within yourself.

    Drawing from TCM, 5 Element theory, neuromuscular energy techniques, and our most powerful ally- breath, this Masterclass will have you experience what it truly feels like to be able to access, assess, and address our natural wellspring of unbound energy we have within us.

*Book now to secure your complimentary 9D Breathwork session. Only 24 spaces available. First come, first serve.

Melvin Hart
Neuromuscular Therapist, Multi-Disciplinary Healer and Spiritual Guide

What will you gain from this Masterclass?

  • A true understanding of exactly how to access your internal energy

  • A fix for some of those chronic pain patterns that plague you

  • An enhanced mobility not only of the body but of the mind

  • Simple real world applicable practices for you to manage energy in real time in real situations as a conscious leader

  • A true unblocking of your energetic systems, a surge of energy and vitality, propelling you forward with renewed enthusiasm

  • A new perspective on just how important your energetic presence is and how to master your influence over others as a conscious leader

Who is this Masterclass for?

  • Seekers of Self-Awareness: If you’re looking to understand yourself on a deeper level and tap into your intuition, this workshop is a perfect fit.

  • Leaders and Change-makers who are looking to level up: If you lead teams, movements, or communities, learning to read and manage energy can be a powerful tool for inspiring and guiding others.

  • Empaths and Sensitive Souls: Those who feel deeply and are often overwhelmed by the emotions and energies around them can learn to protect their energy and use it more effectively.

  • Creatives and Innovators: If you thrive on creativity and new ideas, energetic intelligence can help you channel inspiration and overcome blocks.

  • Anyone Feeling Stuck: Whether in life, work, or relationships, understanding your energy can provide clarity and a way forward.

  • Wellness Practitioners: Coaches, therapists, healers, and those in the wellness industry can deepen their practice by integrating energetic intelligence.



9D Breathwork
Group 1 (12 Pax)*


Lunch Break



9D Breathwork
Group 2 (12 Pax)*


Introductory Talk with Melvin


Theory: Accessing and Assessing Energy Pathways


Movement Practice: Addressing and Applying Energy Pathways


Real-World Integration of Energetic Intelligence


Q & A


*Book Now to secure a spot at our limited 9D Breathwork (first 24 people to sign up)

9D Breathwork with Sidney Ng

We are offering first-come-first-serve spots to kickstart the day at our Conscious Leaders Bootcamp with a 9D Breathwork Journey. The first 24 people to buy tickets will get a spot, so sign up now!

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and unleash your inner greatness? The "Getting Great Activation" is a powerful teaser 9D breathwork journey designed for busy individuals seeking an energizing boost. Through intentional breathing, you'll ignite deep inspiration and motivation, awakening your true self and propelling you toward your goals with renewed energy and determination. Embrace this opportunity to embody Tom Bilyeu's motivational message, cultivate a mindset of excellence, and make a significant impact in your life and the world around you.

Sidney Ng
SOMA Breathwork Lvl 1 facilitator and Certified Breathwork Coach

Venue Partner:
Mandala Club Singapore

This edition of Conscious Leaders Bootcamp will be held at Mandala Club Singapore, our venue partner.

Mandala Club is private members club and the home of conversation, creation, celebration and connection to its members. Housed within a stunning heritage building in the heart of Chinatown, the Club features design-led spaces across its four floors.

Want to dive deeper into Energetic Intelligence?

This Masterclass is just a taste of what you will be learning at The Conscious Festival Self Mastery Retreat in Bali.

Our retreat is a 5-day 4-night immersion experience that combines the energy of a festival with deep personal development. Cultivate energetic intelligence, emotional athleticism, and conscious leadership through workshops, movement, and interactive sessions. Designed to help individuals master and awaken their inner world, regulate their nervous system, and find new clarity in a community with aligned values.

1:1 Energy Attunement with Melvin Hart

Date: 30 September 2024
Location: Singapore

Imagine your body as a finely tuned orchestra, where every section—whether strings, percussion, or woodwinds—must play in harmony for the music to resonate. Similarly, your nervous system, brain, gut, fascia, and vagus nerve form a complex web of communication, constantly working together to maintain balance. When this balance is disrupted, whether it shows up as feeling out of sync with work, family life, or personal health, or you’re not sleeping well, digestion is off, or you feel disconnected from your body, it can feel like everything is out of tune.

In a one-on-one session with Melvin you’ll work together to recalibrate your energetic frequency, down-regulate your system to bring you back to a natural, harmonious state. This Attunement not only brings immediate relief but also unfolds gently in the days that follow, allowing you to realign with the frequency that best supports your well-being and vitality.

The Conscious
Leaders Bootcamp

The Conscious Leaders Bootcamp takes leadership to a whole new level by infusing it with the power of regeneration and conscious awareness. Get ready for a transformative experience that will shape you into a leader who understands the ecosystem of your company, is inspired by what other leaders are doing with circular and sustainable solutions and uplifts everyone around them. 

The Conscious Leaders Bootcamp is the /catalyst /convergence /celebration for conscious leaders globally. We create transformational spaces for companies and individuals who are or want to become conscious leaders with a focus on climate, technology, and wellness, to connect, collaborate and co-create a better future. 

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